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Changing Password and Admin Settings

The options for changing password is accessed via the Settings option in the left sidebar.

Admin Settings

Changing password

To Change password, access the Admin Password tab

Change Admin Password

Enter the current password in Old password, the desired password in New password and Confirm password and then click on Change password button to change the password.

Updating Settings

The following settings can be updated from the System settings tab in the Settings screen. These settings are saved to a JSON file.

System settings

dbTimeout5The time in seconds to wait on DB Lock when opening an already open database. 0 will make it wait indefinitely.
maxLinesPerRecord200Determines the maximum number of lines allowed in a single record.
separateSymbolsfalseDetermines whether to not include special characters in word boundary
useCachetrueDetermines whether to use caching or not.
authExpiryTime​0The duration to keep the authentication token valid. The authentication will expire after the specified duration. The duration string is a sequence of decimal numbers and a unit suffix, such as 300s, 1.5h or 2h45m. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h